Registration Date(s): Student should send in his/her enrollment application and $100 deposit as soon as he is able to do so in order to reserve his/her position in that class. The student should check in with the school after 1:00 p.m. on the Sunday before his session is to begin, or the Monday morning of the first day of the session.
Scheduled Vacation Periods:
The school is in session for 6 weeks and then closed for a two-week break. There is a one-week break in November for Thanksgiving.
Overall Hours of Operation: School: Monday - Friday: 8:00 to 5:00 (or when finished) with 1 hour lunch
Office: 8:00 to 5:00 Monday – Friday (1 hour lunch)
Holidays to be observed:
Memorial Day -Closed on the holiday only
Independence Day -Closed on the holiday only
Labor Day – Closed on the holiday only
Closed the week of Thanksgiving
Christmas- Closed the week before, the week of Christmas, and the week after
New Year’s Day- Closed New Year’s Day - school starts back up on the first full week of January
*The calendar reflects available consecutive courses. A schedule can be customized to accommodate a student’s particular needs.